# miniwol Small web server to send Wake-on-LAN requests to its local network ## Features - Fully static frontend without JS - Binary includes everything except config ## Installation Option 1: Run `go build` in this folder after cloning, resulting in a binary `miniwol` in the current directory. Option 2: Run `go get git.ulra.eu/adro/miniwol`, resulting in a binary in TODO. Put the resulting binary in a place like `/usr/bin/miniwol` if you wish to run it like any command, ## Usage Add an empty config, the program checks, in order of priority, for `./config.toml`, `./config/config.toml` and `/etc/miniwol/config.toml`. Make sure miniwol can write to it. Set a password and write its hash to the config using `miniwol setpass `. This will also add the other default fields to the config. Configure the devices you want to be able to wake up as per the [example](./example/config.toml). Now you can run the webserver using `miniwol` or `miniwol web` . Sessions are simply stored in memory. In case you need to, you can clear all sessions by just restarting the webserver.