Small web server to send Wake-on-LAN requests to its local network
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Small web server to send Wake-on-LAN requests to its local network


  • Fully static frontend without JS
  • Binary includes everything except config


Run go install, resulting in a binary ~/go/bin/miniwol. Move this binary to e.G. /usr/bin/miniwol to run it like any command.

Examples include a simple systemd service to have it start automatically.


Add an empty config. The program uses, in order of priority, ./config.toml, ./config/config.toml and /etc/miniwol/config.toml. Make sure miniwol can write to it as all persistant data is saved here.

Set a password using miniwol setpass <password>. This will also add any missing defaults to the config.

Run the webserver using miniwol or miniwol web .

Sessions are in-memory. Restarting the webserver clears all sessions.